hey, did you ever see this cute measure?
i'm really sure that all of you gonna get this cute stuff, right?
well, Myurbey will give it for 2 lucky person .. FREE !
semoga saya salah satunya, ihiiiy *cross finger*
so, how to get it?
well, go click here and find the rules.
anyway, the pattern that i love are ...
yeah, i love something ethnic pattern .. kinda line, triangle, or anything abstractly
well, go jump to her blog and wish me all the luck haha *evil laugh*
anyway , today is autism day. Please stop use "Autis" as your joke. love 'em patiently, than you will realize that they're REALLY AMAZING !
Keep your love up .
Achter's Page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Achter/315578351819852
Achter's Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/achtertoycam
aaa thanks for sharing :) next week ada giveaway dr fabricsfab.blogspot.com :). salam kenal ya mba Middy, aku baru ni di dunia crafting , suka banget juga sama foto2..:)
BalasHapushay hay salam kenal juga yah :) wuiih lemme know yah kl udah muncul di permukaan giveawaynya. nanti aku pasti ikutan hehehe.
Hapusmba lihat catatan saya ya http://rainbow-study.blogspot.com/2012/04/belajar-wirausaha.html
BalasHapusmakaci sebelumnya ^^